5 Pound Coin
The Royal Mint don't just make UK money, they produce notes and coins for a number of other countries, particularly small island countries. Bet this £5 coin is for somewhere like Tristan Da Cunha, where 5 of their pounds are worth a lot less than 5 of ours.
- Traditionally, crowns had a face value of 25p (or 5 shillings prior to decimalisation in February 1971). In 1990 the face value was increased to £5 to give the coin a value consistent with its weight and size - in relation to those of the then current range of coins.
- Millennium £5 coin 1999-2000 Anno Domini.1999 Millenium £5 Coin. About & How much it's worth.The Royal Mint issued a £5 coin to commemorate the millennium.
You may have noticed we’ve been talking about £5 coins a lot over the past few weeks and lots of collectors have been asking how rare their £5 coins are.
The £5 coin was first issued in 1990 as a replacement for the commemorative crown with a face value of 25p. They are usually reserved to commemorate significant British anniversaries and are a favourite among collectors as they are not intended for general circulation.
Using current Royal Mint figures we have put together three graphs where you can see just how rare your commemorative crown is, from the 1972 Silver Wedding Crown to the Brilliant Uncirculated Coronation £5 in 2013.
The differences in the mintage figures really are remarkable. Take a look below and see just how rare your £5 coin actually is.
The first crown ever to be issued was the 1972 Silver Wedding Coin and incidentally this is the rarest 25p UK coin from the Royal Mint with a mintage of 7,452,100. This 1972 crown was the first British coin to have a face value of 25 pence; previous crowns had been Five Shillings face value. Also, for the first time in modern times, the obverse did not incorporate a date, but merely bore the Queen’s name and titles surrounding her portrait.
The £5 coin with the lowest mintage in the history of UK £5 coins, is the circulated 2008 Prince Charles 60th Birthday £5 coin. Just 14,088 circulated quality coins were struck by the Royal Mint in 2008 to mark the 60th birthday of Prince Charles. The coins inscription ICH DIEN means ‘I serve’ and is taken from the Badge of the Prince of Wales.
* Individual Royal Mint BU Pack sales figures only
Out of the Brilliant Uncirculated £5 coins sold in individual The Royal Mint Packs, the 2014 Queen Anne £5 is the rarest. This coin has amintage of just 12,181 and was struck to mark the 300th anniversary since the death of Queen Anne.The design bears an elegant portrait of Queen Anne, styled by Mark Richards FRBS as an eighteenth-century miniature.
How many of these £5 coins do you have in your collection? Do you own one of the rarest £5 coins? Let us know via Facebook, Twitter or leave a comment below!
The UK’s VERY FIRST Decimal Crown
Click here to own the UK’s very first UK Decimal Crown for just £5.
('Coins of the UK')
by Tony Clayton
50s and 60s << : >> Maundy Sets
History of Five Pounds/Guineas
Pictures of Five Pounds/Guineas
Search by reign:
Five Guineas
Charles II,James II,William & Mary,William III,Anne,George I,George II,George III
Five Pounds
George III,George IV,William IV,Victoria,Edward VII,George V,George VI,Elizabeth II
It is stressed that the following prices are a guide only, and inUK pounds. They represent what you might have to pay a dealer,rather than what you might be able to sell them for.
I can take no personal responsibility for their accuracy, although every efforthas been made to ensure that they have been copied correctly. In addition itshould be noted that the price of gold coins is very dependent on the bullionvalue of gold.
Some prices given below may well be out of date, as gold prices can fluctuate markedly.The bullion value of a modern five pound gold coin was about £1619 ($2175) on 4th November 2020, whereas on 8th March 2015 it was £880. Live bullion values may be available on my Bullion Value page.
The information has generally been taken from the UK monthly magazineCoin News,and is reproduced by the kind permission of
Token Publishing Ltd, 40 Southernhay East, Exeter, EX1 1PE
Condition Grades
The headings F, VF, EF and Unc refer to the condition grades of the coins. A guide toevaluating grades is found on my UK Coin Values Index page.
Proof coins relatively often found are listed, but the absence of a mention does not mean thata proof of that year does not exist.
Five Guineas
Charles II
First Bust (pointed truncation)
el: elephant below bust (1677/5 has the elephant)
ec: elephant and castle below bust
a: bust 1
Second bust (rounded truncation)
James II
William & Mary
ec: elephant and castle below busts
1694 is known with the overdate 4/2. Slightly higher price than normal.
William III
ec: elephant and castle below bust
The 1701 coin has a different 'fine-work' bust.
Pre-UnionV: VIGO below bust
bu: pre-union - separate England/Scotland shieldsPost-Union
au: post-union - conjoined England/Scotland shields
George I
George II
Young HeadOld HeadGeorge III
Extracted from Coin News February 2020
Five Pounds

Some lower prices given below may well be out of date, as gold prices can fluctuate markedly.The bullion value of a modern five pound gold coin was about £1320 ($1739) on 12th December 2019. Live bullion values should be available on my Bullion Value page.
George III

George IV
William IV
Una and the Lion IssueJubilee IssueOld Head Issue
Queen 5 Pound Coin
Edward VII
George V
5 Pound Coin 1997
George VI
Extracted from Coin News December 2019
Elizabeth II
The following list applies to the standard St.George reverse Five Pound coins,or those matching the other sovereign designs that year.
Uncirculated coins up to 2001 can be distinguished from proofs by thepresence of a U in a circle, usually to the left of the date. These are indicated by BU below.However, regular issue bullion coins without the U were issued in 2000and 2002. These are indicated by 'Bull'.
Prices given below may well be out of date, as gold prices can fluctuate markedly.The bullion value of a modern five pound gold coin was about £1619 ($2175) on 4th December 2020. Live bullion values are normally available on my Bullion Value page.
First portrait
Second (Machin) portrait
Third (Maklouf) portrait
Modified Maklouf portrait

Sovereign Anniversary Issue
Third portrait
Fourth (Rank-Broadley) portrait

Shield Reverse
Fourth portrait
Noad Reverse
Fourth portrait
Day's Reverse
Fourth portrait
Fifth (Clark) portrait
Designs after 2016 vary - full details not yet available
Values extracted from Coin News November 2020.
Fuller details of the post-1971 gold coins of Queen Elizabeth can be foundon the Decimal Gold or Decimal Crowns pages
Search by reign:
Commemorative 5 Pound Coins. The 5 Pounds Coin Series From ...
Five Guineas
Charles II,James II,William & Mary,William III,Anne,George I,George II,George III
Five Pounds
George III,George IV,William IV,Victoria,Edward VII,George V,George VI,Elizabeth II
50s and 60s << : >> Maundy Sets
History of Five Pounds and Guineas
Pictures of Five Pounds and Guineas.
5 Pound Coin Uk
Values Index
History Index
Pictures Index
5 Pound Coin 2002
UK Coin Values - Five Pounds and Guineas
Copyright reserved by the author, Tony Clayton
v53 4th December 2020